How to join
Kúzelná škôlka ?
The simplest way is to call phone number 0908 619 619, or you can also send an e-mail to
Throughout the week, we prepare “introductory meetings” for interested persons, right in the kindergarten. These meetings take place after working hours, usually from 15:30 to 18:00, so that you could see the kindergarten with your partner, alternatively parents.
Founder, together with teachers of the kindergarten, will answer all your questions. The “introductory meeting” includes information about whole regime of kindergarten and filling in necessary documents. Inspection of whole area of the kindergarten is also part of the “introductory meeting”.
Crèche Tulipán
We try to create a place full of life for your children. We offer them the best for starting their lives. Throughout all year (including summer holiday) we provide comprehensive, above-standard all-day care, half-day care and hourly care for child during normal operating hours, which is every workday at 06.00 – 17.00, and also care for child out of working hours. Crèche Tulipán is closed only during public holidays, including two workdays when painting and maintenance of premises take place (the parents will be informed in writing about this fact in advance).

Complex care
In addition to standard care, the following things are important for us:
Professional language preparation
“We think ahead!” We follow this motto in our Crèche Tulip. Therefore, we would like to offer you the possibility of early childhood education. Nowadays, a foreign language is basic education. It will guarantee your child better employment in the future. It is scientifically proven that it is advantageous to start learning a foreign language in the first months of your child’s life, at the same time as they are starting to learn to speak in the mother tongue. At that time, the foreign language is as natural to the child as the mother tongue. Our goal is to connect education with game to support creativity and intellect of children. Teaching is thematically divided. Every week, we focus on certain theme to strengthen versatile development of the child. We use musical, literary, art and physical education. We want to teach children a foreign language in a simple way – by playing games, reading books, singing, dancing and various physical activities.The last week in month is for revision because we are convinced that child can learn the language only by frequent repetition. During teaching, we take in account individual needs of every child so that we can support their talent. We will regularly inform you about the progresses of your child. Teaching will take place three times a week exclusively in a foreign language by using the latest methods and aids. In conclusion, we take the liberty of adjusting the title of work of famous American author Robert Fulghum that characterises our philosophy: “All I really need to know, I learned in crèche and kindergarten!”
Quality nutrition
Since nutrition is important for your baby’s healthy development, we take it seriously. The meals are prepared in our own kitchen, which is located right in the spaces of crèche. It is approved by the Office in accordance with strict hygiene standards with an emphasis on the content of energy and nutritional values needed for the child’s age.
Spacious yard and garden
In addition to new interior spaces, there are also large outdoor areas outside the crèche Tulipán. There is a paved yard with an area about 200 m2 which is suitable for games, especially after rainy weather. In other cases, there is a large grassed garden with climbing frames, small house, swings, and sandpit for children. Besides that, there is also a summer house for parlour games. Physical activity is important for achieving balance between energy intake by food and its consumption in metabolism. Thanks to the large spacious yard and garden, children do not have to visit public playgrounds where there is a high risk of infection. In the spaces of garden, there is a small bed of herbs so that children can create their relationship with the environment and healthy lifestyle. The garden will be given to complex usage in the course of May.
Questions and Answers – frequently asked questions
Is it necessary to enrol in Crèche TULIPÁN several months in advance?
No, it isn´t. At the moment, the capacity of facility makes it possible to enrol children in with their immediate entering.
How can my child join Crèche Tulip?
The most suitable way is to phone us, or you can also send us an e-mail and arrange a meeting. Throughout the week, we prepare “introductory meetings” for interested persons, right in the crèche. These meetings take place after working hours so that you could see the whole crèche and its area with your partner, alternatively parents. Contact details can be found here.
What is it with adaptation of children before entering Crèche TULIPÁN like?
Before entering the crèche, we recommend you to attend the adaptation process so that your child can get used to the crèche environment. Suitable are 2-3 visits that last for 2-3 hours. The child should try the food and sleep during the adaptation, as well.
How is it possible to get state support for crèche?
Childcare allowance is a benefit by which the State contributes to the parent or physical person, to whom the child is placed in custody replacing the care of the parents to cover the costs spent in the childcare. The allowance is granted for a calendar month, in the amount of proven expenses of the authorized person for child care. The approximate amount is around 230 EUR. Confirmation from the crèche is necessary for getting allowance.The legal framework of the allowance is given by Act No. 561/2008 Coll. on the childcare allowance. It is available for downloading HERE .